TheDeepCoachDeep Listening, Transformational Living Leave a Comment

Sensing is a Form of Extrasensory Perception

One of the ‘muscles’ you will have to develop as you seek to progress along the transformation path is the ability sense more than you think. Sensing is a form of transformational listening.

I realize that sensing is a complex human capacity that is not easy to describe, but you can always reference how it works when looking at the five primary senses your body uses daily to make sense of the world: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. None of these senses require you to think—they create automatic interpretations of your physical surroundings so that you can live in the world. 

Extrasensory perception is yet another sense you are gifted with. This is the capacity to sense into dimensions of reality that do not appear to the other five senses. It is intuitive, arises solely in the mind, and for each person these extrasensory perceptions differ in their strength (from none to considerable). 

The kind of sensing ability that I am speaking about that supports transformative growth is a form of extrasensory perception. Here you are intentionally seeking to perceive information that lies below the surface of human engagement. If you try to “think” about that which you are seeking, perceiving it all the more difficult. The thinking mind must be turned off, as it is with all your other senses which act on autopilot. 

Transformational Listening is a Sensing Ability

What are you learning to sense for? You can learn to better sense other people’s energy, though this is still a surface-level expression. It is relatively easy to sense whether a person is in a good mood or a bad mood, whether they are feeling energized that day or fatigued. Emotions are the same, for most people it is fairly simple to sense for the emotional state of others. There are still, however, finer layers to sense into. This is the art of deep listening.

What is happening for the person at a being level? A soul level? A heart level? Beyond the individual, what is happening within the collective, the group’s consciousness, the group’s collective yearnings, the group’s collective heart? 

It is these aspects of our experience that are routinely overlooked as we bustle about with our five physical senses leading the way. The deeper information is there — it’s coming ‘at’ you always, so to speak — it’s just that unlike your other five senses, the brain does not perceive the information received as necessary for the survival of your material/physical existence. It’s not what keeps you alive, and therefore the brain ignores it in favor of critical survival information. 

Sensing Can Be Learned

This is why you must train yourself to listen far more consciously. You are, in fact, training the neurology of your brain to value non-critical information necessary for physical survival. This is what it means to evolve.

You evolve by growing beyond your hardwired, mammalian, primal impulses and reactions into the world of Spirit, and in the world of Spirit whole different sets of information are considered valuable to the ongoing survival and thriving of the human being — not our physical body, but our eternal soul.

As you learn to listen for or ‘attune’ to sensory information that is of the deeper realms you begin to flourish at a soul level, because it changes the nature of your experience with others. In essence, they become less competitive and more nurturing. 

Take Action

Practice transformational listening daily by attuning to the deeper realities that are within and around you. There is no place you cannot practice. And then notice how it changes the way you engage with others, and how others respond to you differently.

It’s a game changer for sure, and you have the capacity to play this game. It’s all there, in you. You just have to develop it.

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