TheDeepCoachTransformational Living Leave a Comment

What I have been observing lately in myself, as a result of my own journey into my spiritual nature and the higher levels of consciousness that are accessible, is a natural collapse of time. I am living more and more in the present moment, without any real effort to do so. It is simply an inevitable and inexplicable draw to be deeply in the present moment. 

The book The Power of Now speaks beautifully of this way of living. But from my experience, the expansive reality potentials of present-moment living are only partially understood by most of us because we have not yet reached those advanced states of consciousness where living in the now is simply ‘the way.’ 

So we practice being present. And this is immensely helpful. Dedicated practice does accelerate our growth into higher states of awareness and brings us closer to understanding how reality– which is timeless–is

The great challenge we face is that inevitable fall back into a way of mind that is caught up in past/future projections. Even as you practice being present, you will not notice how easy it is to shift back into time-consciousness. But as your personal consciousness expands, and as your mind become accustomed to being present here and now, those shifts back will become more glaring, possibly even jarring, which becomes its own kind of motivator to continue the practice. 

I encourage all those on the path of personal transformation and spiritual growth to practice present moment living. Our current turbulent, uncertain times are actually a gift for this. Can we really plan ahead as we used to when who knows what each day will bring? Things are changing so fast, and in unpredictable ways. Why not let go of all of that, and bring to this very moment all that you hold within you: the fullness of your presence!

What you will then notice is that in each moment there is a generative potential waiting for your attention to help it manifest. What wants to happen in this moment? What is emerging? What is ready to be birthed? 

When your mind is caught up in past/future thinking it is less capable of detecting the generative potential, which is right here now.

You can also think of the generative potential this way. In each moment your future is being created, one choice at a time. Depending on how you believe your future comes into existence, that determines how you orient your mind and energy in the moment. If you believe that you are the sole architect of your future, that without your guiding hand of control your future will not come about as desired, then the choices you make will reflect that belief. Always an eye to the future desired state, and always alert in the moment to direct what is happening to ensure that outcome. 

However, if your mind is not anchored in past/future, you are present only to what is now. Your choices then reflect your capacity to perceive the emerging potentials in the moment and to move with those potentials. You have effectively let go of a future desired state as a guide to making choices in the present. Each present moment choice is made using a different set of criteria. 

What are those criteria? 

It is based on supporting the emergence of what you sense wants or is ready to happen. This includes what wants to happen both within and external yourself. 

Your sensing then shifts to discern what wants to happen within the whole–the whole of you and the whole of the situation. 

Being present allows you to perceive more of the whole because you show up in a state of open mind (accepting), open heart (allowing), and open will (trusting). You begin inviting in the needed perceptions and awareness, and acting on what you are perceiving. There is no ‘future desired outcome’ in this equation, no expectation, no ‘need to have happen.’ 

This is how your life and future unfolds.

When time collapses in your mind, the future is no longer something you strive to make look a certain way. Awakened minds trust that the future will take care of itself when the generative potential inherent in each moment now, which is of the whole, is attended to. 

Does this mean that your sense of time disappears? 

No, it will remain, but peripheral to your life experience. As you advance your consciousness, you will naturally desire to spend less time in past/future thinking, and more time being present, and with whatever is emerging on an inner and outer plane. It’s a true creative partnership with Life that unfolds moment by moment.

Don’t be concerned if you find living in the present moment a challenge. Keep up your daily practice, but also develop other practices that transform your inner reality and expand your consciousness. Slowly but surely you will find that time collapses. It is inevitable. 

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