TheDeepCoachTransformational Living Leave a Comment

Have you ever practiced surrendering to life? Is it time to try letting go of control?

You may already know this, and as challenging as it can be, letting go of control and surrendering to life lessens your need to manipulate the people, situations or outcomes in your life. That is a huge stress reducer. It then creates a sense of ease, flow, and union with all that you encounter each day. Letting go and surrendering to life is a transformative practice that will radically shift your life experience.

If you are ready for that, continue reading…

As our world itself slips into its own transformative period, there will be an increase in fear and uncertainty as the systems built upon an old consciousness begin to crack and crumble. But there will be no shortage of people attempting to shore up and sustain those ways, because for various reasons they are valued enough to continue breathing life into.  

The invitation I am making to you today is to become aware of your own tendency toward this. We are all susceptible of holding onto old ways of being and systems that have supported us in the past, no matter how detrimental they may be to the well-being of others or the whole. If they serve us, we tend to hang on, even prop up, so that they continue to serve us.  

This is Where It Begins…

I invite you now to take a moment to step back and survey your life. Notice which systems of thought or behavior are really of an old, passing consciousness but still have a grip – those that once served you but in truth are no longer reflective of what is coming forth, what is of your awakened mind. Are you, at some level, fearful of their demise? Are you, in subtle ways, holding on and retaining a grip, not letting go of control?

Look closely, in total honesty.

When you recognize something, just take a deep breath. Relax your mind and feel yourself surrendering it. Just a simple act of letting it go, the fear, the concern of what its passing may mean.  

As you do this, there will also be a sense of that which is coming into being. What is there? What is it that is coming into actuality that is replacing the old systems of thought or behavior? 

You may not know it clearly yet; you may not understand its full implications, but it is there, on the edge of your perception, shimmering as a possibility.  

Allow it in. Allow the potential to dissipate the fear of the passing of the old. Allow the potential to show you what is needed in order to bring it even further into reality.

Becoming a Conscious Creator

Now you are creating from the emerging future. And all you had to do was surrender – surrender the old ways that are no longer, and allow yourself to step into the ways that are coming into being (but not yet fully realized). This is what it is to participate as a conscious co-creator with life.  

Surrender to life and you will be swept away in it. Despite the doubt and fear that grips those around you during this time of transition, you will be anchored in a way of being and living that transcends it all, and sees the opportunities for service and upliftment all around. 

This is what life is asking of those who are ready to surrender their version of life for Life’s version of life!


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