Surrender to Life

Where Are You In the Grip of Control?

Letting go of control is not only a great way to reduce stress and create more ease in your life, it will also improve your relationships and usher in a very different experience of life than you are accustomed to.

letting go of control

How Do I Surrender to Life?

Surrender does not mean you are not thinking or that you are not moving or doing or fulfilling the objectives of your life. Surrender means you have let go of the need to control it all. In surrender you recognize that your actions are a part of something greater that is unfolding through you, yet of which you are a part. And a crucial part it is!

Hold Space for Transformation

What is Holding Space?

Think of a held space as an intentionally created energetic container or “cocoon” in which those people holding that intention are generating an energetic signature powerful enough to from and infuse that space.

Transformational coaching

What Is Your Role as a Transformational Coach?

Have you ever coached a person who has a burning desire to realize the essential nature of their existence? Who is ready to know more of ‘who I am’ than the average person on the street? The role of the coach needs to shift dramatically, away from how you have been taught to coach.

mindfulness coaching practice

Is Your Mind at Ease?

What do you think –is this statement true or false? ‘A mind that rests is a more productive mind than a mind in constant motion.’ Perhaps it’s not possible to …

Transformational Coaching Competency

Expand Your Capacity to Be with Pain

The arising of pain (emotional, mental or energetic) in a transformational coaching relationship is perfectly functional. Can you hold space for it without being triggered into closing it down?

Heart-centered Coaching

Loving Your Clients

The greatest need everyone has is to feel loved, valued, worthy. This is ultimately why people come for coaching. What can you do?

Challenging Times to Live

Living in Turbulent Times

Pain, chaos, uncertainty, greed, needless death and destruction…bad, a threat, something to be feared—“What if it happens to me?!” my ego screams.

Coach intellect

A Different Way of Coaching

What is the most loving thing you can do for your client today? Yes, take a moment to pause and consider: what is the most loving thing you can do …

Connecting to spirit

One Thought Away

Even though there appears to be distance between us, in reality there is not. The reality is, we are as connected as two peas in a pod, and the experience …

How to determine the value of coaching

The Lamp Post Distinction

Years ago I received some interesting material on the art of client enrollment in coaching from the business coach Steve Chandler. In it he shared something called the “Lamp Post Distinction.” It struck a chord with me—perhaps because it was so spot on true.