TheDeepCoachTransformational Coaching Tips Leave a Comment

There appears to be so much loss in the world these days, and so much pain carried from that loss. Loss of security, loss of hope, loss of opportunity, loss of lives. It seems to be everywhere, and although you may not feel directly impacted by it, there are always people around you who are.

You may not want to see it, and they may try to cover it up or stuff it away (because, you know, it’s uncomfortable…and it gets in the way of business).

Here’s the reality though. Fear and loss clouds the mind and creates an ache in the heart. If not cared for, the pain disconnects and isolates.

Do not shy away from opening yourself to people who are clearly in need of expressing their fear, their grief, their pain. It is a vital need during these times of loss, suffering and isolation.

Your openness allows them to release it, which is a form of grief work. Grief work allows acceptance and forgiveness in, to heal the ache of the heart, the tension in the mind.

Life is not always about getting somewhere. Progress is meaningful, but its meaning is contingent upon caring for the whole. If the whole is not cared for, then what value does progress of a certain part really carry?

Advancement of a part at the expense of the whole is not really progress at all.

Caring for suffering in any form ultimately advances the whole. Make time for it in the busyness of your life. Make it part of your business.

Caring for loss exercises your heart, making it stronger and more resilient in the face of future pain—which will surely be there: things are not going to get better soon for many people in our world.

Where in your life do you see pain, loss, isolation, or grief that is in need of your care and compassion? And can you give that the fullness of your attention, even if for a short while?

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