TheDeepCoachTransformational Coaching Tips Leave a Comment

Acknowledgement is the capacity to recognize something wonderful about a person and to let them know it. It helps build momentum by fostering behavior needed to reach the next goal. Acknowledgment puts aside our ego and sees the greatness in others.


One of our main roles as transformational coaches is to see and mirror the good our clients say and do. This is an active process of holding the highest vision for our clients. But many times coaches have difficulty using acknowledgment. Some find it awkward or insincere.

Below are 12 tips to consider when using this powerful coaching tool:

  1. Have the right frame of mind. Get your own needs met and acknowledge yourself
  1. Be very specific in what you are acknowledging.
  1. Look at what they have done.
  1. It’s important to acknowledge people at the time it is happening (not five weeks later.)
  1. Use it as it relates to helping someone to feel empowered or encouraged so they can use it to move forward in an area they are feeling challenged with.
  • “I love that about you Joe.”
  • “How have you used that capability in this area of your life?”
  1. You don’t always need to use the word acknowledge. Use the words that are natural and authentic to you.
  1. There are more non-obvious ways to acknowledge someone, especially if you don’t want to “scare them away”- ask questions, show an interest, etc.
  1. The more you acknowledge, the easier it becomes and the more natural sounding it gets.
  1. Surround yourself with people who are acknowledging. Create the environment. Help your client to do the same.

10. Make sure the acknowledgement comes from your heart and not your thinking mind.

11. Consider the timing of it. When is the right moment? Make sure it’s not forced.

12. Bring an energy of acceptance to every part of your clients situation

Sometimes it’s difficult for our clients to accept acknowledgment. They’ve become so accustomed to viewing themselves and their situation in a negative way that any form of positive acknowledgment does not feel believable. But stay with it and continue mirroring back their beauty and true essence. It’s only a matter of time before they begin to see the truth of it in their lives.

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