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Jonathan Hermida, PCC – Certified Transformational Coach

Jonathan Hermida, ACC

ImageTransformational CoachImage

Miami, Florida, USA

English, Spanish

One-on-one coaching, group coaching, workshops, speaking engagements, retreats



My greatest passion and mission in life is to help as many people as possible awaken to their deepest truth and highest potential. I create transformational spaces for awakening souls who are ready to step into their authentic power and to serve the world from that space.

Many of us hold the desire to create a better world, but not enough of us have the support to focus that desire in a clear and coherent way. This is why I do the work that I do.

Each of us has a special purpose that contributes to the betterment of our world, and I’m here to help you recognize that so that you can intentionally tap into your purpose and take bold, inspired action when the time is right.


Jonathan Hermida has been on a journey of self-discovery and personal transformation for nearly a decade, a journey that has seen him travel to over 40 countries, on 5 continents, learning from and serving hundreds of incredible souls.

After getting a degree in International Business and Marketing from Florida International University, Jonathan began a corporate sales position for a large telecom company based out of Atlanta, Georgia. Feeling out of alignment, he decided to quit after a year, gather his life savings and travel the world. This adventure led him on a backpacking trip through South America for a year, two years of teaching in South Korea and finally two years living and working in Berlin, Germany.

Jonathan has worked with leaders from some of largest companies in the world: Paypal, Facebook, Google, Deutsche Bank and Boston Consulting Group to name a few.

He now works one-on-one with individuals around the globe, runs several workshops a year and co-facilitates a yearly transformational retreat called The Awakening Man. He is also the host of a podcast series called, Waking Up in the 305 where he interviews the conscious leaders, organizations, spaces and ideas transforming Miami from the inside-out.

Jonathan is a Certified Deep Transformational Coach through the Center and a Certified Professional Coach through the International Coach Federation.


“Jonathan shows a true inner peace that is powerful and moving. I see Jonathan as a beautiful spirit that has answered his life calling.”
Dr. Julio Hernandez, Florida, U.S.A

“Thank you for being in the life changing business! You’re a beautiful gift to this world super coach!”
Aryaa Akshay, Mumbai, India

“My coaching experience with Jonathan is one of the absolute best of the many I have had in my life.”
Dr. Matthias Müller-Lindenberg, Berlin, Germany

“Jonathan is more than just a coach, he is a deeply inspiring light worker who is fully dedicated to serve the world by sharing his gifts.”
Henrik Sahlen, Berlin, Germany