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Chelsea Hastings – Center for Transformational Coaching

Chelsea Hastings



Missouri, USA

Locations Served
Online worldwide


Services Offered
RISE: A Journey Into Yourself Healing Program – Group and 1:1 options available

Coaching Specialties
Inner Child and Shadow Work Healing



Inner Child and Shadow Work are Chelsea’s passions when it comes to coaching and healing. Working through childhood traumas and facing the parts of ourselves that we tend to push away are essential aspects of the healing journey. When we are able to truly look at ourselves and our past, we can begin to fully embrace and love ourselves. This work aims at not only talking about our issues, traumas, and Selves but truly getting to the root and healing all of it. Chelsea uses a variety of techniques, healing modalities, and practices in her work so you can choose what works best for you. Chelsea has personally seen the transformation these practices can have and wants to spread this knowledge to whoever feels called to receive it.


Chelsea graduated with her degree in Chemical Engineering but knew something else was calling her. This is when her healing journey began. She started acupuncture in Thailand after falling into a deep depression and coming to terms that this isn’t how she wanted to live her life. During this time, she began working through her own Limiting Beliefs, Inner Child traumas, and Shadow sides. Dealing with these uncomfortable aspects of herself, she was able to begin to heal. She reframed her limiting beliefs, connected and healed her inner child, and accepted and loved her shadow aspects. After doing her own work, she discovered that Coaching/Healing may be her path. She then completed the Life Coaching Basics and Deep Transformational Coaching Foundation & Mastery courses. She has since gone on to work with many 1:1 clients and is now accepting people into her program, RISE: A Journey Into Yourself.


Having a session with Chelsea felt safe from the beginning. Although, I am a person who overthinks, being mostly in my head, she managed to bring me in my heart space. By slowing everything down, going with the flow, nurturing a safe space, deeply listening, she helped me to allow myself to drop from the head to the heart. Her comments were perceptive and to the point, getting me exactly where I needed to be.  It was a nice surprise for me to just go blank, relaxing in the sensed energy created by both of us, trusting what wants to come. From this void, my inner self emerged and I was able to listen. By the end of the session I felt peaceful, loving and loved and I knew exactly who (and how) I wanted to be in the situation we explored. Thank you Chelsea! 

I really appreciate Chelsea. She has helped me more than I can put into words! I understand what it's like to feel like no one understands you and to feel as though you don't even understand yourself, and it does truly suck. She has helped me realize the former is not near as important as the latter, and that has made such a difference in my life already! This journey of self discovery has opened so many doors for me. Doors that, without her help, I never would have had the courage to open. I will forever be so grateful to call Chelsea a mentor.

Working on myself is a hard thing to do, but Chelsea has made that process so much easier! She is always asking the right questions and is in-tune with what I'm feeling, even over FaceTime. One of my favorite things is that she has such different ways to help me - whether it be through EFT tapping, sleep meditations, or different breathing methods. She's so great about letting me know she is always there to talk to at anytime and making me feel comfortable enough to open up to her about anythingShe has helped me grow so much and I can never thank her enough for that.

The moment my sessions with Chelsea began I was immediately moved to a state of peace and connection. Chelsea’s energy immediately put me at ease, and she had the ability to move me to a place of openness and surrender- letting go of any barriers or false protections so that I could move with her deeply into the heart space. She held a space for me where all was allowed, and I was completely safe and heard. I was able to move within to a place where I knew what was calling to come forth in me and I was able to sit with it and experience the process of transformation there. I experienced a shift in the space we created together, wherein a new and more evolved self-concept emerged and was able to take shape and become part of my new way of being. I was so blessed by my time with her, and I would recommend her highly to anyone longing for deeper self-awareness and spiritual development.