Navigating Uncertainty

Navigating Uncertainty

From a young age we are praised for knowing the right answer. But what happens when we just don’t know? How are we navigating uncertainty and ambiguity?

Transformational coaching

What Is Your Role as a Transformational Coach?

Have you ever coached a person who has a burning desire to realize the essential nature of their existence? Who is ready to know more of ‘who I am’ than the average person on the street? The role of the coach needs to shift dramatically, away from how you have been taught to coach.

Holding Space course

Claim Your True Power

Today is a new day, a new moment in which to create the experiences you desire to experience. Do you feel far away from having the experiences you desire? If …

Listening to Your Inner Guidance

Coaching the Guru Within

To what extent do Deep Coaches educate clients on what is happening as they go through a transformative period in their lives versus holding space and exploring emerging ways of being?

Coaching Regret

A client has come to me recently carrying a load of regret. It has risen hard to the surface because a couple of key decisions he has made recently have had negative …