spiritual life coach

Connect With and Expand Spiritual Energy

This practice of working with spiritual energy is so valuable for enabling healing and transformation. Spiritual energy reaches into all aspects of the mind and body, healing and uplifting. Process: …

Presence Transformation

Grounding in Being

The ability to ground ourselves in the warm embrace of Being is what truly enables us to be powerful agents of transformation. It is our fuel as Deep Transformational Coaches. …

6 Tips for Coaching Resistance

Resistance arises in all change processes. It’s normal, natural, and the protector of our perceived needs. How can transformational coaches work with resistance? Here are some simple tips to keep …

Listening to Your Inner Guidance

Coaching the Guru Within

To what extent do Deep Coaches educate clients on what is happening as they go through a transformative period in their lives versus holding space and exploring emerging ways of being?