TheDeepCoachLive Your Values, Transformational Coaching Tips 4 Comments

This relates directly to the Deep Coaching practice: Activate Your Spiritual Values. All that is shared here can be applied in a 1-1 session as well as to any collective.

 Begin this time by taking deep breaths and letting all thoughts be still like a placid lake. Allow Spirit room to speak to you in this eternal moment.

Do you feel the peace at the center of your heart? This is Spirit’s presence centered within you. Knowing what this feels like, imagine Spirit’s light and your love glowing in the center of your heart space — see it with your Third Eye. It fills your chest and radiates outward, bathing your body in light. Look down into this light within you and see it grow brighter and larger in radiance, filling the space around you in the room you are now sitting. Move your viewpoint above you as if you are looking down at yourself from the ceiling of the room. See the circumference of the light growing in size and expanding. It is a perfect sphere of light.

Take this sphere of light and begin to spin it — feel the motion and the gravity as it rotates around you. Increase the speed faster and faster until this sphere of light expands and thins out into a disk. From your elevated viewpoint, watch as the disk becomes as thin as a laser and extends beyond your view. This light is now forming a bubble around the planet, it is invisible and present everywhere. It passes directly through the hearts of all souls on Earth—you are now connected to the heart of the world.

Do you feel this connection? It is a mixture of feelings—all human emotions are here—all the hopes and fears, all the desires for peace, unity, and divine love. This is the collective “heart of souls.”

With your circuit of light now connected to the heart of souls, broadcast your emotions and feelings (the vibrations) of Peace, Love, Joy, Compassion, Mercy, and Forgiveness — let it pass from your heart center to the heart of souls. What is your desire for the heart of souls? Speak it now and see it ignite in the hearts of all others.

You cannot change their minds, but you may fill their hearts with these divine vibrations. When their hearts are full of these intent vibrations, it shall overflow into their minds where they may decide for themselves that these vibrations in their heart are preferred over the feelings of fear, sadness, hate, harm, greed, or control over other human beings. Visualize how they may act in this moment where love knocks at the door of their hearts — that they may connect the mind and the heart together.

This circuit to the heart of souls will remain as long as you feed it. Visit this circuit often and feed it as you will.

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