TheDeepCoachTransformational Coaching Tips Leave a Comment

The ability to ground ourselves in the warm embrace of Being is what truly enables us to be powerful agents of transformation. It is our fuel as Deep Transformational Coaches. Below I offer a simple process to help you refuel and reconnect:

1. Sit comfortably wherever you are, feeling the weight of gravity pressing your feet to the ground and your buttocks to the chair. Notice how supported you feel.

2. Now bring your attention inward towards your breath and your body. Feel as the air gently fills your lungs and your belly. Stay here observing your breath for a few moments.

3. Now turn your attention to your body. Notice the sensations you are feeling.

4. Turn your attention to your mind. Notice the thoughts that are there without engaging or judging them.

5. Finally, bring your attention to that which is observing. Connect to this presence and sit here for as long as you feel comfortable without engaging with anything else.

Herein lies the ground of Being to which you always have access to.

I encourage to take even a few minutes before a session, a meeting, or an event and practice this before beginning. Notice the difference it makes.

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