TheDeepCoachLive Your Values 2 Comments

An exemplary life is the best inspiration a spiritual leader can offer to those he or she serves. A spiritual leader is a person who walks first the path that he or she wants to show their followers. Spiritual leaders live the truths they desire to share. They make decisions aligned to the ways and promptings of Spirit in every situation in life, so those who search for truth can observe how a spiritual leader’s life is to be lived.

A true spiritual leader does not bring his or her followers to the truth. An authentic leader knows the value of experience and personal achievement, therefore the leader is only concerned with showing the way, letting each person live by their own terms.

A spiritual leader is not interested in convincing others to think in his or her way. Instead, they recognize that each one of us has been born to find truth in our own personal way, and to then become an individual and original expression of that truth.

A true spiritual leader —the ones that are so necessary in our world today — is first of all a lover of humanity. Only a love that is unconditional and authentic can give origin to the desire of bringing every person that crosses your path towards a more meaningful and happy life.

Love incites a soul to share it all, and those who have tasted the delights of spirit and heard the melodies of divinity desire with all their hearts to share these experiences with others. A true spiritual leader therefore never forces anybody to follow, he or she just shares the treasures found and those who decide to follow this leader will do the same.

Do you see how you are a spiritual leader today?


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