TheDeepCoachDeeper Self, Transformational Coaching Tips Leave a Comment

Question: To what extent do Deep Coaches educate clients on what is happening as they go through a transformative period in their lives versus holding space and exploring emerging ways of being?

In other words, is there room for the coach to impart knowledge or insight in the coaching process? If yes, how much to share? And when should it be shared?

There are no clear boundaries, but I can share some tips for consideration:

  1. People do have a need for “revelation,” information about the transformational journey that they would not otherwise know or have access to. After all, we’re not taught this stuff in school! And this is why in the DCI we learn models, signals of transformation, levels of engagement etc…so that we can share it as needed.
  2. Well-timed revelation can do much to quell doubt, uncertainty, or trepidation about where they are at or what’s happening within. You are “normalizing” the process for them.
  3. Our priority is always to uphold Deep Coaching’s objective: to create a space in which a person has access to his/her highest self—the guru within—so that what can be known will be known. When you energize shifts in being or consciousness, so much more information becomes available, naturally and organically. Can you trust that?
  4. Be mindful of the impulse or desire to share what you know. Where is it coming from within you?Sometimes our own passion and enthusiasm for the work has us wanting to shout it from the rooftops. Sometimes it’s a need we have to “move things along” or the thought, “If you know what I know it’ll be good for you.”
  5. Education happens best when it arises from the conversational context. You sense a piece of information would help, and you share it. Once done, let go of any impulse to continue “informing” and return to your primary work.
  6. It also happens best when you are in that space of deep connection, listening to the deeper self. This will guide what and how you share. People don’t often say, “Please describe a transformational process for me, I’m decomposing over here!” Yet you sense that some information would help illuminate things. Check in with yourself first: Is this of me? Is this to be shared? Get the green light within and proceed.
  7. When you are connected deeply, you will get an intuitive sense of readiness for it—an unspoken receptivity, like a line has opened between your mind and theirs. It feels receptive, that they are open to you sharing or more structure.
  8. You will feel the energy shift when you have gone too far. If you feel the preacher or teacher energy in you is taking over, it’s gone too far. If you sense a closing off or a shutting down of the receptivity, it’s gone too far. It’s okay, no harm done, just let it go and return to your primary work: creating the conditions in which they can connect with their guru within, where they have access to a field of energy and information beyond their daily experience.

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