Cultivating a Coaching Presence

Cultivating a Coaching Presence Our presence is one of the most powerful tools in our work as coaches. And our presence becomes increasingly powerful when we consciously cultivate it. But …

Responding vs. Reacting: Grow Your Personal Power

Reacting is a disempowering inner orientation. Responding is an empowering orientation. When you shift to that state, you stand in your personal power, and you plug the energy drain that reactivity is.

Live Your Passion

Pursue What You Love To Do

Nothing makes the heart sing more than when you give yourself permission to do that which you love to do. Life then takes on a luminous quality, where more light emanates from your being, influencing both the quality of the work you do and the people with whom you do that work.

Indra's Net of Connection

None Degrees of Separation Exist in Indra’s Net

Like Indra’s Net, if you are interested in changing the world to being a kinder, more connected, open place for us all, then it helps to recognize how close in mind we are to each other, and the influence the way you think about others has on the whole.

Know My Values

Coach People to Live Their Values, Not Just Pay Lip Service to Them

How many of us even know what our core values are, what our lives actually stand for in this world? How many of us take the time each day to notice how we are living fully into those core values? And how many of us are known this way—known by others for our core values?