TheDeepCoachTransformational Coaching Tips Leave a Comment

What are some ways we can help our clients inhabit an energy of trust?

  1. Awareness of the doubt state. Our clients must first become aware that doubt is there so that they can begin the process of moving through it.
  1. Give voice to the doubt, the critic. As long as this voice stays in the shadows, it will continue to unconsciously direct your life. Give voice to it so that it can be understood and let go of if necessary.
  1. One of the most effective ways to move from doubt to trust is action. Sometimes action is the catalyst for the shift and perspective change. Feel the fear, and do it anyway. I can have fear and doubt and apprehension and still move forward. If I’m in action, they don’t stay very long.
  1. Establish the feelings of the state of trust and the state of doubt. What does it look like and feel like? What are the effects of trust? Where in the past did you feel trust? How do you make the shift? Creating the awareness in the client that he/she is now free to choose (choice is power, if someone is in doubt they don’t know they have a choice)
  1. Build in accountability. How does accountability relate to building self-trust in a client? (Virtuous cycle – begin to see the manifestation of this trust).
  1. Reframe their perspectives. Ask questions (What if this thing that is happening is exactly what needs to be happening? How would your response be different?) Help them to open up and reframe limiting perspectives – what has worked in the past?
  1. Acknowledge clients for their successes.
  1. My certainty is greater than your doubt.
  1. Create awareness of underlying beliefs. Creating awareness to help clients to see an underlying belief as a pattern that served at one point in their life. Uncover the judgments beneath.
  1. If there is a lot of doubt, or to help them sustain trust, help clients to create a support system (a safety net we could build around that). Do they surround themselves with people who believe in them? Explore this and create actions around this.
  1. Help the client to understand the most empowering perspective of all: life is a life-long journey, a continual opportunity for discovery, exploration and learning. Whatever situation they are going through is perfect and a learning experience. If things are not going well, be able to learn and adjust. There is no other stable ground than that which is within us. As long as we look for stability outside ourselves, we will be in doubt.
  1. Model the positivity. Radiate the trust. Embody trust. Coach from the heart.
  1. Play out the doubt. What is the worst possible thing that could happen?
  1. Acceptance…of self, of situation.
  1. Coach from a heart level. Get out of the head, the space of doubt.
  1. Be patient. This shift process can take time. Trust the process.

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