TheDeepCoachDeeper Self, Trust in Process Leave a Comment

Moving Beyond DoubtNot a day passes when you do not have a thought of doubt in your head. Not a day. At times they move unnoticed and at other times they become so dominant that your stomach cramps, your brow furrows, and your muscles tense as your body reacts to the thought. Doubt is your steady companion and will be for much of your life until you learn to master it.

Doubt is not mastered by leaning into it and exploring its nature or origin. You are certainly free to do this; you can learn many things about the workings of your mind from the voice of doubt. But this approach will not give you the freedom you seek. Doubt is mastered by attending to what doubt is not.

So, what is doubt not? Sit with this question for a moment and let that sink in…what is doubt not?

You might say that what doubt is not is fearlessness. You might say that what doubt is not is trust. You might say that what doubt is not is knowingness. And you would be right on all counts. Because what doubt is not is, well, everything. Fearlessness, trust, knowingness and any other quality outside of doubt are the make up of the great space that is Truth.

What doubt does is come in and seemingly fills this great space. But that cannot be true because this space cannot possibly be filled by something illusory. Doubt, therefore, is overcome by recognizing its own illusory nature and connecting with that which is real. Doubt may have a lot to say to you, but in the end it is a fabrication of your mind designed to protect the illusion of your separation from All That Is.

Doubt is overcome by enhancing your connection with All That Is. Doubt vanishes when you ground yourself in that place of inner knowing that what IS, is perfect, real and true. You are a part of that truth and that reality, and are never, for one millisecond outside of it—that is, until you doubt it. Doubt then casts your mind out of truth and into illusion.

If you wish to grow in consciousness, it’s time to end illusory thinking. This does not happen by exploring doubt, but by seeing past it.

What is the greatest truth you can conceive of for your existence? Anchor into that. What is the greatest truth you can conceive of for your value in the world? Ground yourself deeply in that truth. The more you ground yourself and anchor into higher truths the less of a grip doubt will have over you. It simply cannot hold a grip in the mind of one who sees past it; one who considers it the same way you might consider a wisp of nothing floating by.

Do the work so that you will know without a shadow of a doubt what is true. Thoughts of doubt do not need to grip your mind. They will do so only when you allow them to; when you validate their existence by believing that they are something, when in fact they are nothing.

Since we live in a material world, do we need to be wary and cautious at times in order to safeguard our material body? Yes we do. But at the same time, see it for the illusion that it is and it will not grip you. For all that is material will one day pass away and return to the dustbin of time. What is real endures forever.

You may protect yourself in anyway you deem necessary but do not let it grip you more than is needed for that temporary protection. Beyond that it becomes fear and in that moment you have bought into an illusion.

Cultivate trust in the mystery and magic of life and the ground of Being that is your rightful home. When you do, life will become more easeful and joyful in all ways.

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